The position details area has four main sections:
- About the role
- Position description
- Essential qualifications
- Skills
About the role
This is where you can add the text for your job ad. As separate from the position description, this is where you can add information about your company culture, perks and benefits relevant to the role that you might not had added elsewhere.
You will also find an option here to use the ‘Inclusive Language Tool’ where you can check that the language you’re using in your job ad is the most disability-inclusive it can be.
Position description
This is where you can add specific details about the job you’re advertising, including roles and responsibilities, key performance indicators, and the day to day expectations of the role. There is the opportunity here to add position descriptions in different formats to maximise accessibility, including text, audio and video options.
To add in an audio file, you can choose to use the built-in ReadSpeaker docReader to add an mp3 of your position description.
Essential qualifications
This is where you can add the qualifications candidates must have to perform the role. We recommend only including genuine must-have qualifications here, rather than suggested or preferred qualifications, which you can add into the skills section. You can add up to 5 essential qualifications to a job ad.
Here you can add any skills and strengths you prefer in a candidate. Consider adding valuable transferable skills and non-essential qualifications.
You can add up to 12 skills to a job ad.
When you’re ready, click ‘Next: Location to move to the next part of the ‘Post a job’ process, or select ‘Save a draft’ which will save your ad for you to access later in your ‘Job hub’.